
Cycling Routes in Ishikawa Prefecture

¡Hakui to Ganmon Cycleway (Hakuikenmin cycling route)
¡Kanazawa to Tatsuruhama Cycleway (Noto Beach cycling route)
¡Kanazawa to Komatsu Cycleway (Kaga Beach cycling route)
¡Komatsu to Kagakenmin Cycleway (Komatsu-Kagakenmin cycling route)
¡Tedorigawa River Cycleway (Tedori Canyon cycling route)

Click the cycling route which you want to see.

Cycling route that has not been investigated yet
¡Hakuikenmin cycling route
¡Noto Beach cycling route
¡Kaga Beach cycling route
¡Komatsu-Kagakenmin cycling route
¡Tedori Canyon cycling route