
Things to see & do near the Edogawa River cycling route

The museum is devided into three zones: The Boso Peninsula's Rivers during the Modern Era (after the
Meiji Restoration), The Boso Peninsura's River during the Early Modern Period (Edo Era), and River
Transportation and Traditional Industries. The exhibits show the history of the river bank repair and
flloods, as well as local culture developed by river transportation.
In the fourth floor of this building, there is a observation room. It commands spectacular views of the
Tone and Edo Rivers and of the mountains including Mt.Tsukuba,the Nikko Mountains and Mt.Fuji.

Phone number
Opening hours


Home page

  143-4,  Sekiyado-Sangenya, Noda-city, Chiba
9am - 4:30pm
Mondays(open where a Monday falls on a national holiday or substitute national
holiday, in which case this museum will be closed on the following day)
Year-end holidays(December 28 to 31)
Other days may be designated holidays on an extraordinary basis for maintenance or
other purposes.
For adults 200yen, and for high school & university students 100yen
For junior high school students and younger, admission free
For persons aged 65 years or older, admission free.
In a term during special exhibitions, an additional fee 100yen or 50yen will be required.
(Price at November, 2018)
Chiba Prefectural Museum

Exhibition rooms

An entrance and a view of the Tone River from the observation room.