
Things to see & do near the Inbanuma Swamp cycling route

In the Boso-no-Mura Museum, various types of houses from Boso have been reconstructed. There
are farmar's houses, marchant's houses, and samurai's houses from the Edo period to the early Meiji
period. Visitors can learn about the life-style of the time, by taking part in weaving and paper making.

Phone number
Opening hours


Home page

  1028,  Ryukakuji, Sakae, Inba-county, Chiba
9am - 4:30pm
Mondays(open where a Monday falls on a national holiday or substitute national
holiday, in which case this museum will be closed on the following day)
Beginning and end of the year.
Other days may be designated holidays on an extraordinary basis.
For adults 300yen, and for high school & university students 150yen
For junior high school students and younger, admission free
For persons aged 65 years or older, admission free.
(Price at November, 2018)
Chiba Prefectural Museum

At the entrance area, there are many types of marchant's house.

A samurai's house and a farmer's house.