
Things to see & do near the Omigawa-Kurokawa Rivers cycling route

This is a museum of toy. In the museum carefully selected toys from 35,000 toy collections are displayed. Toys are collected not only from Japan but also from the other countries.

Phone number
Opening hours

  Omochanomachi 3-6-20,  Mibu-town, Shimotsuga-gun, Tochigi
10:00am - 4:30pm
Wednesday, from December 30 to January 2nd
Adults 1000yen, Children 600yen
(Price at November, 2022)

Several things about Gundam are displayed. This is a life-size statue of Gundam's bust.
Many invention of Thomas Edison are exhibited, arranged from the first one to the last one.

So many japanese toys are exhibited from the very old one. Also old toys of Europe are displayed.
Best toy of Europe is the Model Coal Mine which was displayed at the exhibition of the British Empire in 1924 and won the applause. In that toy 170 dolles are working in a coal mine factory. Almost every dolles operate now.

There is a Steam Automobil made of England in front of the entrance.