
Things to see & do near the Watarasegawa River cycling route

The Ashikaga School is famous for the oldest school in Japan. There are some opinions of establishment year; in 832, end of twelve century and in 1439. In 1549 Francisco de Xavier introduced this school to the world as the largest and the most famous university in Japan. The feature of this school in the middle of Edo period has been revived on the past premises.

Phone number
Opening hours


  2338,  Syohei-town, Ashikaga-city, Tochigi
0284 - 41 - 2655
9:00am - 5:00pm ( From October to March close at 4:30pm )
3rd Wednesday of each month
(Thursday is holiday, in case where a wednesday falls on a national holiday).
From December 29 to December 31.
420yen, for high school students 220yen
(Price at October, 2022)

This is a gate of the Ashikaga School which was built in 1668 and is a symbol of this school.
In the right picture, there is the Kyodan Gate that was built in 1668. Beyond the gate, there is a house (top picture) named Koshibyo which also was built in 1668.

This house is called Hojo. In the house lectures were done and students studied. The house was burned down in 1754 and was rebuilt. The right picture shows a garden at the back of the house.